The Top 10 Colleges in Your SAT Score Range

sat score ranges

There are more than 4,000 degree-granting colleges in the United States. With literally thousands of schools to choose from, it’s helpful to narrow down your options through a numerical qualifier like your composite SAT score, which is why we’ve put together a list of the top 10 colleges in the US for each SAT score range. Comparing your SAT score to a school’s SAT scoring range can help you figure out if a school is a good match for you. 

Many colleges list the average SAT scores of their freshman class online. If your SAT score is about on average or on the upper percentile of the school’s average freshman score, then the school may be a good match for you. But remember, your SAT score is just one part of the college admissions equation. While it is important, don’t forget about the role your grades, extracurriculars, and personal essays play in completing your college application. 

How Many Colleges Should I Apply To?

We compiled this list after reviewing rankings by, Compass Education Group, and College Simply. The schools are listed alphabetically by scoring category. Naturally, this list is not comprehensive and we had to leave off many great schools to narrow each list down to 10! 

Top 10 Colleges by Composite SAT Score Range

Best Colleges for 890-1010 SAT Score

University of North Georgia campus
University of North Georgia
California State University – East Bay
California State University, Los Angeles
California State University, Northridge
Delaware State University
Morgan State University
North Carolina Central University
Prairie View A&M University
SUNY Buffalo State College
University of North Georgia
University of Wisconsin – Whitewater

Best Colleges for 1020-1190 SAT Score

University of Alabama
University of Alabama
Arizona State University
California State University Long Beach
High Point University
Michigan State University
Oklahoma State University
Oregon State University
Temple University
University of Alabama
University of Oregon
University of Tampa

What to Study the Week of the SAT

Best Colleges for 1190-1380 SAT Score

Penn State campus
Penn State
Penn State
Purdue University
University of California Santa Barbara
University of Georgia
University of Florida
University of Massachusetts Amherst
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
University of Texas at Austin
University of Washington
Virginia Tech

Best Colleges for 1380-1600 SAT Score

Yale university campus
Yale University
Brown University
Columbia University
Duke University
Harvard University
Rice University
Princeton University
Stanford University
University of Pennsylvania
Yale University

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