Study Strategies

studying for finals

3 Skills to Help You Study for Finals

Finals are more challenging than standard unit tests because they contain material from multiple units; in other words, they’re cumulative. Not only do you need to remember the information you learned this month, but also information you may have learned at the beginning of the semester! However, learning a few key skills to learn will help you with your finals and any cumulative test you face.

junior year grades featured image

How Important are Junior Year Grades?

College admissions officers look at a variety of criteria when evaluating your college application: your SAT or ACT score, your high school GPA, and your extracurricular activities. They also take a look at your high school transcript. But how important are your high school grades, in particular your junior year grades, for college admissions?

overcoming test anxiety nerves

Confidence-Boosting Tips for Nervous Test Takers

Feeling stressed or nervous before a big test like the ACT or SAT is normal. Sometimes normal stress can become test anxiety: a physical, emotional reaction you cannot calm or control. The difference between stress or nerves and test anxiety is one’s ability to calm down and move on. There are a few mental and physical exercises you can perform to reduce test-day nerves and boost your confidence.