Olive Book Team

overcoming test anxiety nerves

Confidence-Boosting Tips for Nervous Test Takers

Feeling stressed or nervous before a big test like the ACT or SAT is normal. Sometimes normal stress can become test anxiety: a physical, emotional reaction you cannot calm or control. The difference between stress or nerves and test anxiety is one’s ability to calm down and move on. There are a few mental and physical exercises you can perform to reduce test-day nerves and boost your confidence.

Test-Optional, Not Test-Blind: 3 Steps to Boost Your Score

Many colleges have waived SAT and ACT score requirements due to the impact of COVID-19. However, a majority of schools are only test-optional – not test-blind. This means colleges will consider your test score if you send it. By preparing for and taking the SAT or ACT test, you can provide a more complete picture of your academic abilities.